Big Data refers to huge amounts of heterogeneous data from both traditional and new sources, growing at a higher rate than ever. Due to their high heterogeneity, it is a challenge to build systems to centrally process and analyze efficiently such huge amount of data which are internal and external to an organization. A Big data architecture describes the blueprint of a system handling massive volume of data during its storage, processing, analysis and visualization. Several architectures belonging to different categories have been proposed by academia and industry but the field is still lacking benchmarks. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the existing architectures is required in order to ease the choice between architectures for specific use cases or industry requirements. The types of data sources, the hardware requirements, the maximum tolerable latency, the fitment to industry, the amount of data to be handled are some of the factors that need to be considered carefully before making the choice of an architecture of a Big Data system. However, the wrong choice of architecture can result in huge decline for a company reputation and business. This paper reviews the most prominent existing Big Data architectures, their advantages and shortcomings, their hardware requirements, their open source and proprietary software requirements and some of their real-world use cases catering to each industry. For each architecture, we present a set of specific problems related to particular applications domains, it can be leveraged to solve. Finally, a trade-off comparison between the various architectures is presented as the concluding remarks. The purpose of this body of work is to equip Big Data architects with the necessary resource to make better informed choices to design optimal Big Data systems.

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Big Data Architectures : A detailed and application

oriented review

Abstract— Big Data refers to huge amounts of

heterogeneous data from both traditional and new sources,

growing at a higher rate than ever. Due to their high

heterogeneity, it is a challenge to build systems to centrally

process and analyze efficiently such huge amount of data which

are internal and external to an organization. A Big data

architecture describes the blueprint of a system handling

massive volume of data during its storage, processing, analysis

and visualization. Several architectures belonging to different

categories have been proposed by academia and industry but

the field is still lacking benchmarks. Therefore, a detailed

analysis of the characteristics of the existing architectures is

required in order to ease the choice between architectures for

specific use cases or industry requirements. The types of data

sources, the hardware requirements, the maximum tolerable

latency, the fitment to industry, the amount of data to be

handled are some of the factors that need to be considered

carefully before making the choice of an architecture of a Big

Data system. However, the wrong choice of architecture can

result in huge decline for a company reputation and business.

This paper reviews the most prominent existing Big Data

architectures, their advantages and shortcomings, their

hardware requirements, their open source and proprietary

software requirements and some of their real-world use cases

catering to each industry. For each architecture, we present a

set of specific problems related to particular applications

domains, it can be leveraged to solve. Finally, a trade-off

comparison between the various architectures is presented as

the concluding remarks. The purpose of this body of work is to

equip Big Data architects with the necessary resource to make

better informed choices to design optimal Big Data systems.

Keywords— Big Data Architecture , Big Data Architectural

Patterns, Big Data Use Cases

The non-stop growth of data, the frantic releases of new

electronic devices and the data-driven decision-making

trend in companies is fueling a constant demand for more

efficient Big Data processing systems. The investment in

Big Data architecture has been rapidly growing these past

years and according to Gartner, businesses will keep

investing more in IT in 2018 and 2019 focusing on IOT,

Block-chain and Big Data [1,2]. 178 billion dollars were

spent on Data Center Systems in 2017 and that number is

expected to increase in the coming years [5]. Considering

the important funds companies invest in their Big Data

solutions, it appears obvious that a careful planning

should be done ahead of time before the actual

implementation of a solution. However, according to the

McKinsey institute, many organizations, today, are facing

difficulties because of the absence of architectural

planning of their data management solutions [38]. They

develop overlapping functionalities and are not able to

achieve sustainability because they usually develop

technology driven solutions.

An early and careful Big data system architecting

considers a holistic data strategy while focusing on real

business objectives and requirements. It is of the utmost

importance to write down the current but also future needs

in order to take scalability considerations into account

from the earliest stages of the design of the Big data

system. Once that list of use cases and requirements is

made clear, a company can move forward and select

among the many existing Big Data architectures the most

suitable for its use.

The Lambda architecture was one of the first architectures

to be proposed for Big Data processing and it has been

established as the standard over time [4]. The Kappa

architecture came next, followed by several other

architectures [3] designed to be able to address some of

the limitations of the lambda architecture for use cases

where the former standard failed to offer satisfying results.

In this paper, we discuss different architectures with their

optimal use cases along with some of the factors that need

to be considered to make the best choice from a pool of

candidate architectures. The paper also highlighted

whether the architecture to be adopted for a given use case

should be built from scratch or incrementally constructed

from an existing architecture.

The structure of this paper is described as follows. Section

2 presents an overview of the rise of Big Data and the

challenges that have accelerated the need of new tools and

architectures. The next section reviews the work that has

been done in the Big Data field to survey the domain,

propose architectures and eventually compare them.

Section 4 gives, for each architecture, a brief description,

its advantages and disadvantages, a set of problems it can

solve, some of the fields where it can be used and the

hardware and open source configuration required to set up

an environment based on that architecture. An overall

comparison of the architectures discussed is presented in

Section 5 and Section 6 concludes the paper.

Since In 2013, the McKinsey institute reported that there

were more than 2 billion Internet users worldwide [55]. In

2018, according to an article published by Forbes, that

number has jumped to 3.7 billion users who are performing

School of Computer Engineering

School of Computer Engineering

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be


Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be


Bhubaneswar, Odisha , India

Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

over 5 billion searches every day [61, 62]. Social media

remains one of the biggest sources of the data produced in

the world. According to Domo's "Data Never Sleeps 6.0"

report, every minute, Internet users watch more than 4

million videos on YouTube, close to 13 million text

messages are exchanged, the weather channel receives 18

million forecast requests and 97 000 hours of video content

are streamed on the Internet [63]. The growth is particularly

apparent with social media considering companies like

Instagram, one of the most used social media platforms in

the world, which has grown its active user database,

between December 2016 and 2018, from 600 million to 800

million users who are now posting 95 million photos and

videos everyday [64]. Companies across various industries

are experiencing a similar frenetic data growth. In 2018,

Amazon ships 1111 packages every minute and Uber is

used to book 1389 rides every single minute [63]. Another

main contributor to the data flood is the Internet of Things

industry. The International Data Corporation (IDC) and Intel

predict that there will be 200 billion iot devices in use by

2020 [65]. Considering that only 15 billion devices were

identified in 2015 up from 2 billion in 2006, it is easier to

start getting an idea of the exponential rate at which data is

growing in size. And of course, all those devices transmit

information across networks, sometimes carrying sensitive

data intended to trigger immediate reactions. The case of the

voice control feature which is now used by 8 million people

every month illustrates the point [63].

From all that has been previously described, it is evident

that the traditional single machines can no longer process

the diverse and humongous amount of data being produced

at such a high speed. Several challenges have arisen due to

the birth of Big Data. They include data storage issues of

course, but also for instance, the need to separate qualitative

data from noise and error as fast as possible because of the

volatility of the data. Other challenges are faced during the

entirety of the data analysis process. During the acquisition

of the data, there is a need to filter it, reduce it and associate

it with metadata. There is also a need to transform

structureless data and eliminate errors from it in a cleaning

process before consuming it. Heterogeneous data

proceeding from various sources have to be integrated into

single data repositories, requiring new designs and systems

more complex than the traditional ones. Additionally, to that,

most use cases require that integration to be automated. Also,

queries need to be easily scaled over different amounts of

data and executed in a matter of second for critical use cases.

Finally, there is a need to reflect on the design of specific

tools to present human friendly interpretation of the data

that is being generated. Another category of challenges that

have led to the conception of Big Data ecosystems is the

management related issues such as privacy and security

among so many others [66, 67, 68].

The landscape of Big Data has kept changing since its birth

and the storage devices' prices have been considerably

reduced while the data collection methods have kept

increasing. Nowadays, in the same system, some data arrive

at a very fast rate in constant streams while others arrive in

big batches periodically. That diversity has led to the

creation of Big Data architectures with the intention to

accommodate various data flows and solve the issues

specific to each of them [69].

Many reviews have been done in the field of Big Data. Most

of them cover technologies, tools, challenges and

opportunities in the field [55]. They try to shed more light

on the field of Big Data, present its advantages and

inconvenient [56]. For the majority, they review for each of

traditional Big Data processing steps from data generation to

its analysis, the background, the technical challenges, and

the latest advances. There has also been some work done to

review Big Data analytics methods and tools [60].

Reference architectures for Big Data ecosystem have been

published by top tech companies as IBM [53], Oracle [51],

Microsoft [52] and the National Institute of Standards and

Technology (NIST) [54]. Various approaches have been

used by researchers in order to try to come up with a

reference architecture that could be used across industries in

a wide variety of use cases. Pekka, P. and Daniel, P. [39]

have proposed a technology independent architecture based

on the study of seven major Big Data use cases at top tech

companies like Facebook, Linkedin or Netflix. They have

decomposed the 7 reviewed architectures in a set of

components which they have then classified according to

their roles in 8 components forming their reference

architecture. Nevertheless, not all use cases required all the

components of their architecture and by considering other

use cases than the reviewed ones, they have acknowledged

more components might need to be added. Other authors

have followed a similar approach to propose a five-layer

reference architecture in [47]. Mert, O. G., & al. [40] have

fetched among more than 19 million projects in the Github

database and Apache Software Foundation projects list, the

ones related to Big Data. They have extracted from 113

documents, including whitepapers and projects

documentations across diverse industries, 241 most popular

and actively developed open-source tools. The authors have

then classified the tools in 11 groups constituting the

components of their reference architecture. They have also

discussed the suitability of different tools for their

architecture's implementation taking in account factors such

as timing, data size, platform independency and data-storage

model requirements. Reference architectures have also been

proposed to address specific issues such as security in Big

Data ecosystems. An example is the Big Data Security

reference architecture proposed in [50]. Their architecture

was extended from the NIST reference architecture to

include for each component, tools and specifications to

ensure the protection of the elements of interest: encryption

for data, authentication and authorization for networks and

containerization and isolation for processes' execution. The

authors also presented a brief and high-level comparison of

their architecture with other existing reference architectures.

There have been several industry specific propositions too,

based on the set of requirements of special use cases.

Architectural solutions have been proposed in the field of

Supply Chain Management [48], Intelligent Transportation

Systems [46], telecommunications [45], healthcare [44],

communication networks security (for fault detection and

monitoring) [43], smart grids in electrical networks [42],

Higher education and universities [41]. Those architectures

all reuse all or some of the layers defined in the common

reference architectures namely: the data sources layer, the

extraction/collection/aggregation layer, the storage layer, the

analysis layer and the visualization layer. Each of these

industry specific architectures defines its layers'

components in terms of the technological tools or features

required by the use case.

Existing architectures have extensively been documented

over time as they gained popularity. The biggest part of the

existing research focuses on two of the most popular ones:

The Lambda and Kappa architectures. Zhelev and Rozeva [5]

worked to equip data architects with decision-making

information by reviewing cloud types, data persistence

options, data processing paradigms and tools and also

briefly both the Lambda and Kappa architecture specifying

each one's strengths and flaws and mentioning in which

situation, each one would be suitable to use. Other works

have presented both Lambda and Kappa architecture along

with some of their strengths and weaknesses [6]. The

authors have also presented a short comparison of both

architectures before proposing a new architecture to

overcome the deficiencies of both the previously discussed

ones. The most exhaustive work has been done in [7] where

seven popular architectures were described with the

software requirements necessary to implement them. Our

aim is to extend the work done in [7], by describing not only

existing related use cases but also a set of specific problems

each architecture can solve given an industrial context.

From an industrial application point of view, a lot of work

has been done to provide exposure on how Big Data can be

leveraged to provide better services or increase business

profit in various fields [8, 9, 10]. [8] provides insights on the

kind of hardware required to build a Big Data processing

system discussing electric energy, storage, processing and

network requirements at a very high level. None of the

existing addressed detailed hardware requirements or

attempted to classify use cases and target problems

architecture wise.

There does not exist yet to the best of our knowledge any

reference document using which, a Big Data System

architect can be guided to choose among the most popular

Big Data architectures

knowing the industry of application, the existing hardware

architecture, the budget allotted to purchasing new

components and the problems the system is expected to



Big Data architectures are designed to manage the ingestion,

processing, visualization and analysis of data that are too

large or too complex to handle with traditional tools. From

one organization to the other, that data might consist of

hundreds of gigabytes or hundreds of terabytes. In the

context of this paper, the minimum amount we consider as

Big data is 1 TB.

A Big data architecture determines how the collection,

storing, analysis and visualization of data is done. We also

refer to it to define how to transform structured,

unstructured and semi-structured data for analysis and

reporting. We discuss in this section, five of the most

prominent Big Data architectures that have gained

recognition in the industry over the years.

The lambda architecture is an approach to big data

processing that aims to achieve low latency updates while

maintaining the highest possible accuracy. It is divided in 3


The first, "the batch layer" is composed of a distributed

file system which stores the entirety of the collected data.

The same layer stores a set of predefined functions to be run

on the dataset to produce what is called a batch view.

Those views are stored in a database constituting the

"serving layer" from which they can be queried interactively

by the user.

The third layer called "speed layer" computes

incremental functions on the new data as it arrives in the

system. It processes only data which is generated between

two consecutive batch views re-computation producing and

it produces real-time views which are also stored in the

serving layer. The different views are queried together to

obtain the most accurate possible results. A representation of

this architecture is given in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Lambda Architecture

Nathan Marz proposed the Lambda architecture (LA) with

as first objective to palliate the problems encountered while

using fully incremental systems. Such kinds of system have

exhibited problems such as operational complexities (online

compaction for example), the need to handle eventual

consistency in highly available systems and the lack of

human fault tolerance. On the contrary, a lambda

architecture-based system provides better accuracy, higher

throughput and lower latency for reads and updates

simultaneously without compromise on data consistency. A

LA based architecture is also more resilient thanks to the

Distributed File System used to store the master dataset,

mostly because it is less subject to human errors (such as

unintended bulk deletions) than a traditional RDBMS.

Finally, the lambda architecture helps achieve the main

requirements of a reliable Big Data system among which are

robustness and fault tolerance provided through the batch

layer. Each layer of the architecture is scalable

independently and the lambda architecture can be easily

generalized or extended for a great number of use cases

while requiring only minimal maintenance [4]. This

architecture provides both real-time data analysis through

the ad-hoc querying of real-time views and historical data

analysis [11].

The main challenge that comes with the Lambda

Architecture is maintaining the synchronization of the batch

and speed layers. It consists in regularly discarding the

recent data from the speed layer once they have been

committed to the immutable dataset in the batch layer.

Another limitation to keep in mind is the fact that only

analytical operations are possible from the serving layer; no

transactional operation is possible. Finally, one of the major

disadvantages of this architecture is the need to maintain

two similar code bases: one in the speed layer and another in

the batch layer to perform the same computation on

different sets of data. That implies redundancy and it

requires two different sets of skills in order to write the logic

for the streaming and for the batch data [3].

Several companies spanning across multiple industries have

adopted the Lambda Architecture over time. Many of them

are referenced in [29] where specific use cases and best

practices around the lambda architecture are collected and

made available to those who are interested to work with it.

A particularly suitable application of the Lambda

architecture is found in Log ingestion and analytics. The

reason is that log messages are immutable and often

generated at a high speed in systems that need to offer high

availability [12]. The Lambda Architecture is preferred in

cases where there is an equal need for real-time/fluid

analysis of incoming data and for periodic analysis of the

entire repository of data collected. Social media and

especially tweets analysis is a perfect example of such an

application [12]. But the Lambda architecture can be used in

other types of systems to keep track of users subscribing to a

meet-up online for instance [13]. The system in [13] is

based on the Azure platform and HDInsight Blob Storage is

used to permanently store the data and compute the batch

views every 60 seconds while a Redis key-value storage is

used to persist and display the new registrations between

two computation of batch views. The serving layer returns a

combination of the results of the two other layers in real-

time, via REST webservices, always providing up-to-date

information without much overhead. [14] presents an

Amazon EC2 based system processing data from various

sensors across a city in order to make efficient decisions.

While some of those decisions require an on-the-fly

analyses of the sensed data, others require that the analyses

be performed on massive batches of data accumulated over

a long period of time. In such a case, the Lambda

architecture, again, reveals itself to be ideal to achieve both


The lambda architecture is a good choice when data loss or

corruption is not an option and where numerous clients

expect a rapid feedback, for example, in the case of

fraudulent claims processing system [15]. Here, the speed

layer using Spark runs in real-time a machine learning model

that detects whether a claim is genuine or needs further

checking. In that manner, the overall processing time per

claim from a user's point of view is considerably reduced.

Batch layer. The requirements of the batch layer make

Hadoop the most suitable framework to use for its

implementation. HDFS provide the perfect append-only

technology to accommodate the master dataset. MapReduce,

PIG and Hive can be used to develop the batch functions.

Speed layer. The speed layer can be implemented using real-

time processing tools such as Storm or S4. Spark Streaming

can also be used although it treats data in micro-batches

rather than in real streams. The advantage is that the Spark

code can be reused of in the batch layer [30].

Serving layer. Any random-access NoSQL database can

host the real-time and batch views. Some examples are:

HBase, CouchDB, Voldemort or even MongoDB.

Cassandra is particularly preferred because of the write-fast

option that it provides.

Queuing system. A queuing system is necessary to ensure

asynchronous and fault-tolerant transmission of the real-

time data to the batch and speed layer. Popular options

include Apache Kafka or Flume.

The hardware requirements presented here are estimated for

1 TB of data. For the calculation, we use a method detailed

in [15]. In order to exploit this, one can make the naïve

assumption that the hardware requirements grow

proportionally with the amount of data to process. The data

in the batch layer is usually not stored in a normalized form

thus some additional storage space is required,

approximately 30% of the original size of the data

amounting to a total of 1.3 TB in our case.



Each worker node's raw storage per node (rpsn) was

calculated using the formula in equation (1). 2% of the

total storage per node (tspn) is reserved for the Operating

System and other applications and the remaining storage is

divided by Hadoop's default replication factor (rf) 3.

Finally, for each 4TB worker node, 653 GB rough space is

available to store data.


The Spark documentation recommends to run Apache Spark

on the same node as Hadoop if possible [32]. Either way, to

get a proper idea of the exact Spark hardware requirements,

it is necessary to load the data in the Spark system and use

the Spark monitoring feature to see how much memory it


Another important point to note is that, according to the

Cassandra's documentation, it is recommended to keep the

utilization of each 1TB node to around 600GB [33]. Beyond

that threshold, it is not uncommon to observe timeout rates

and mean latencies explode and node crashes.

1 replicated master node (6 cores CPU, 4 GB memory,

RAID-1 storage, 64-bit operating system)

2 worker nodes (12 cores CPU, 4 GB memory, 2 TB

storage, 1 GbE NIC)

1 dedicated resource manager (YARN) node (4 GB

memory, and 4core)

2 nodes (1TB, 4 cores, 16 GB memory)

The Kappa architecture was proposed to reduce the lambda

architecture's overhead that came with handling two

separate code bases for stream and batch processing. Its

author, Jay Kreps, observed that the necessity of a batch

processing system came from the need to reprocess

previously streamed data again when the code changed. In

Kappa architecture the batch layer was removed and the

speed layer enhanced to offer reprocessing capabilities. By

using specific stream processing tools such as Apache Kafka,

it is henceforth possible to store streamed data over a period

of time and create new stream processing jobs to reprocess

that data when it's needed replacing batch processing jobs.

The functioning process is depicted in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Kappa Architecture

Kappa architecture-based systems bring a lot of

simplification to data processing. We get the best of both

worlds by maintaining a single code base while still

allowing historical data querying and analysis through

replays. It has fewer moving parts than the Lambda

architecture which allows for a simpler programming model

as well. Also, it allows replaying streams and recomputing

results in case the processing code changes. The incoming

data can still be stored in HDFS but we don't rely on it to

run reprocessing tasks on historical data.

One of the challenges faced while using this

architecture is that only analytical operations are possible

not transactional ones. Also, it is not possible to implement

the Kappa architecture with native cloud services because

they do not support streams with a long Time to live (TTL).

It is important to know that the data is not conserved for a

long term. In a Kappa architecture-based system, data is

kept for a limited predefined period of time after which it is

discarded [11].

The Kappa architecture is particularly suited for real-

time applications because it focuses on the speed layer. The

author of this architecture, Jay Kreps's company, Linkedin

itself has already adopted it. Seyvet & Vielahave [16]

presented a detailed implementation of a Kappa architecture

for real time analytics of users, network and social data

collected by a telco operator. We have inventoried two other

use cases, a system for real time calculation of Key

Performance Indicator (KPI) in telecommunication and

another in the IOT field [17].

The software requirements for the Kappa architecture

are quite similar to those of the Lambda Architecture minus

the Hadoop platform used to implement the batch layer

which is absent here.

The preferred ingestion tool is Apache Kafka because

of its ability to retain ordered data logs allowing data

reprocessing which is essential to the Kappa architecture.

Apache Flink is particularly suitable also for

implementing Kappa architecture because it allows building

time windows for computations. A popular alternative to it

is Apache Samza.

Table 2 summarizes the hardware requirements for a Kappa

architecture based system. IBM knowledge center published

a sizing example, recommending the above reported

hardware requirements to ingest 1 TB of data [35]. [34]

specifies the minimal hardware requirement in a production

environment to run Apache Storm in the speed layer.


Apache Zookeeper is necessary for the functioning of

Apache Kafka and can be installed on the primary Apache

Kafka server

C. The Microservice Architecture

A system based on the microservice architecture is

composed of a collection of loosely coupled services that

are able to run independently and to communicate with each

other via REST web services, remote calls or Push

Messaging. Each service is implemented with the tools and

in the language that are most suitable for the task it performs.

Each service runs on a dedicated server and has a dedicated

storage. The main difference between the microservice

architecture and a simple SOA based system is that in the

microservice architecture, each service focuses on

accomplishing only one specific task and represents a

standalone application on its own [20]. The microservice

architecture is described in figure 3.

As compared to monolithic systems, microservice

based systems allow for faster development, faster tests and

deployments because each service is small and independent

from others thus, easier to understand. Thanks to that

independence between services, fault tolerance is higher and

each service can be developed or rewritten at any time using

the newest technology stacks without compromising the

other services.



Minimum one server having : 16 GB RAM, 6 core CPUs of 2

GHz (or more) each, 4 x 2 TB, 1 GB Ethernet


Fig. 3. Microservice architecture

Different teams can work more efficiently by being

allocated specific services each. Moreover, services are

reusable across a business and any function can be scaled

independently from the others.

On the other hand, an inter-service communication

mechanism is required and its development is quite complex.

There is a need for a strong team coordination and the

network communication among the components has to be

heavily secured. When two services using two different

technological stacks need to communicate, the changes of

format (marshalling and unmarshalling) also create an

overhead. Though the deployments are faster, they are more

complex to setup. Each service usually runs in its own

container (possibly a JVM) thus the overall memory

consumption is way higher than what is required for a

monolithic application [18].

The microservice architecture has provided a solution

for many tech giants such as Amazon, Netflix and eBay as

they have to handle a huge number of requests dayly [20].

Modularity can be achieved to a certain extent in

monolith applications so some of the factors indicating we

need to use a microservice architecture can : the need for

decentralization, a high existing (or predictable) traffic.

Before making the choice of a microservice architecture, it

is also important to keep in mind the consequent investment

in time and manpower required from the early stages of the

development before the production stage [21]. In [21], the

authors describe the implementation of a microservice based

scalable mobility service that helps blind users find the most

suitable paths for them throughout a city leveraging

facilities like bus stops, stairs and audible traffic lights. A

microservice is particularly adapted for that use case

because some of the services required such as dynamic

planner service, crowd-sensing service and travelling

service already exist (or can be developed independently as

standalone applications and reused). The only services that

needed to be developed were the one that the user invokes

and a high-level orchestrator service to fetch and provide to

the user the useful information. [22] describes the

application of microservices in a fraud detection system.

Fraud detection systems are extremely time sensitive

because, in a matter of seconds, a lot of processing has to be

done in order to determine whether or not a transaction is

genuine to prevent a potential fraudster to get away with a

customer's money. Several microservices leveraging

different databases (user past activity database, blacklist

database, white list activities database etc.) can quickly and

simultaneously perform the necessary checking required and

their results are further evaluated by another service to

decide if the user should be allowed to proceed or not.

Each microservice is technologically independent. It can be

developed using any language or technology. Many types of

components intervene in the development of microservices

and we will be listing giving examples of corresponding

tools as used in [31] where the Spring boot framework was

used to develop Java based microservices.

Container. Every microservice runs within a container. One

tool that can be used to build, deploy and manage containers

is OpenShift (particularly suitable for Docker based

containers). It orchestrates how and when container-based

applications run and allows developers to fix and scale those

applications seamlessly. The container management service

Docker is used to create containers in which the applications

will be developed, shifted and run anywhere.

Distributed version control system. Microservice

architecture projects generally imply the existence of several

independent teams working on separate microservices. In

order to facilitate the collaboration between teams, Git is

generally leveraged as source code repository.

Continuous integration tool. Continuous

integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are built

to facilitate the deployment of services by automating their

deployment after they have passed a test suite. Its main

objective is to allow early detection of integration bugs. The

most popular framework used for that purpose is Jenkins.

Other popular options include GitLab CI, Buildbot, Drone

and Concourse.

Table 3 summarizes the hardware requirements for the

microservice architecture. The hardware requirements for a

multi-node cluster deployment of Docker, as specified in the

IBM Cloud Private documentation, are described in [36].

The recommended hardware configuration for Jenkins in

small teams has been specified in their documentation [37].



The Zeta architecture proposes a novel approach in which

the technological solution of a company is directly integrated

with the business/enterprise architecture. Any application

required by a business can be "plugged in" this architecture.

It provides containers which are isolated environments in

which softwares can be run and made to interact together

independently of the platform incompatibilities. Due to that,




1 boot node (1+ core, 4 GB RAM, 100+ GB storage)

1, 3 or 5 master nodes (2+ cores, 4+ GB RAM, 151+

GB storage)

1, 3 or 5 proxy nodes (2+ cores, 4 GB RAM, 40+ GB


1+ worker nodes (1+ cores, 4GB RAM, 100+GB


1+ optional management node (4+ cores, 8+ GB RAM,

100+ GB storage)

2.4 GHz cores recommended

1 node (1+ GB RAM, 50+ GB storage)

many types of applications can be accommodated and run in

a zeta architecture.

Fig. 4. Zeta architecture

Since the hardware is not specifically dedicated to any set

of services in particular but is common to the entire system,

it is better utilized and it can be allocated to serve the most

pressing need at any moment. The near real time backups

also help avoid over extended recovery periods from

failures. The architecture helps to discover issues more

quickly too. It facilitates the testing and deployment phases

by allowing the creation of binaries that can be deployed

seamlessly in any environment without the need to modify

them. The example of an advertising platform based on the

zeta architecture is presented in [24]. It shows how

intermediaries are suppressed by logs directly being saved,

read and processed from the same Distributed File System.

The zeta architecture is suitable for organizations handling

real-time data processing as part of their internal business

operations. For instance, the example of dynamic allocation

of parking lots based on data coming from sensors is a good

use case that has been evoked in [23]. It is the architecture

leveraged by Google for systems such as Gmail. The zeta

architecture is also particularly suitable for complex data-

centric web applications, machine learning based systems

and for Big data analytics solutions [24].

There are many components in the zeta architecture playing

different roles that can each fulfilled by several existing tools.

We list next some of the tools that can be useful to build a

decent zeta architecture-based system.

The Distributed File System hosting the master data is

generally implemented using Hadoop Distributed File

System while the real-time storage can be implemented

using NoSQL or NewSQL databases (HBase, MongoDB,

VoldDB etc.). The enterprise applications on the diagram

generally consist in web servers or any other business

application (varying from one business to the other).

The compute model/execution engine is destined to perform

all analytics operation. Any data processing tool that is

pluggable can be used for that purpose: MapReduce, Apache

Spark and even Apache Drill. Apache Mesos or Apache

YARN can serve as global resource manager. The container

management system can be chosen among Docker,

Kubernetes or Mesos.

The requirements for each of the software components of

this architecture have been described in the previous

architectures' sections already. The reader can refer to

hardware requirements section for the Lambda, Kappa and

microservice for more details.

The Internet of Things domain is so vast that no uniform

architecture has been defined so far in the field.

Nevertheless, several architectures have been proposed by

scholars over time [25]. Michael Hausenblas has made an

attempt to propose a high abstraction architecture for all

IOT projects based on the requirements of an IOT data

processing system [26]. The architecture is called iot-a and

it is the one we discuss here. It is represented by Figure 5.

Fig. 5. iot-a architecture

1) Advantages and Inconvenients

There has not yet been enough feedback on

projects done using this architecture to provide any thorough

evaluation of its performance and eventually of its flaws.

The discussed architecture is a solution designed to be a

good fit for use cases such as smart homes and smart cities

[27]. A specific example in the automotive sector describes

how the Message Queue/Stream Processing layer helps alert

in real-time a car user about failures thus preventing

eventual accidents [28]. The Database layer is used here to

query the system and obtain information about the status of

a car for checkup or in order to develop a repair strategy.

Finally, the Distributed File System layer can allow the

owner of a car to weekly or monthly assess the overall

metrics and performance of his car and possibly identify

problems. [28] also lists three other potential use cases of

this architectures respectively in biometric database creation

(the example of the Aadhaar system in India), financial

Services and waste collection and recycling. Each of those

use cases requires real-time processing of the data whether

to trigger instantaneous notifications or fraud detection

alerts. But the interactive aspect is also important in order to

generate better routes for trucks or to help target specific

companies with banking offers for instance.

Again, the Distributed File System layer can be leveraged

with aggregation-like operations to investigate fraud cases

that have been flagged over a certain period of time to build

a better detection model. The same layer can help

municipalities to generate useful reports on local waste

recycling activities on a monthly basis.

The MQ/SP (Message queuing and Stream processing) layer

can be implementing Apache Kafka or fluentd for data

collection and Apache Spark or Storm for its processing.

The interactive storage layer can be implemented using any

NoSQL database along with tools like Apache Drill to

interact with it. The DFS layer can use HDFS along with

Hive and Apache Mahout for machine learning over the

master dataset.

The requirements for each of the components of this

architecture have been described in the previous

architectures already. The reader can refer to hardware

requirements section for the Lambda, Kappa and

microservice for more details.


Table 4 summarizes the discussion about the 5

architectures into a simple format where it can be referred to

help Big Data architects make the right choice during the

design of a Big Data ecosystem, depending on their needs

and requirements.

This paper presents a review of the different prominent

existing Big Data architectures. We present an overall

assessment of the recent review work done in the field of

Big Data as a whole. Although there is a plethora of work

concerning the characteristics of Big Data itself, its

application domains, opportunities, challenges and

technologies, there is a lack of comprehensive review work

concerning its architecting process. We present reviews of

several architectures that have been proposed in industry

and in academics in the past years in an attempt to solve real

world problems or to serve as roadmap for Big Data

architects for a wide range of problems. Then, we focus on

five architectures: the lambda architecture, the kappa

architecture, the iot-a architecture, the micro service

architecture and the zeta architecture. We describe and

compare them in terms of the type of processing they can

perform and the type of use cases they are suitable for. We

Query and





Query and




, Semi-







structured &




structured &




structured &






Human &



, web or



Machine &



Web or social


Internal data




Web and

social media,

Internal Data


Human/ Other




list and briefly explain, for each architecture, a list of real

world reliable use cases that can be referred to get

guidelines concerning how to make the most out of each

architecture during its implementation. We also present

known advantages and inconvenient of each architecture as

well as a hardware requirements assessment which can help

stakeholders plan wisely in terms of budget and

infrastructures before going for a Big Data solution.

Big Data architecting is still in its early age and there is still

a lack of reliable information about the technical aspects of

how the industry is leveraging it. There will need to be a lot

more experimentation and applications in order to establish

standards and performance statistics to refine the choice of

an appropriate architecture. Our work can be further

extended with more architectures provided the data

concerning their performance and requirements in real

world use cases is made available. Nevertheless, even at this

stage, we hope it will of great contribution to efficient Big


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... To the best of our knowledge, there is no airline ancillary services recommendation system. In this paper, we propose an architecture based on Big Data Lambda Architecture [6] for distributed ancillary services data. In the proposed architecture, we use Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms as association rule mining algorithms to generate recommendations. ...

... Typical examples are microservices, Lambda, Kappa, and Zeta architectures. [6]. Among them, Lambda and Kappa architectures stand out as the most modern architectures. ...

... • BigData -основное хранилище с данными большого объёма, требующими значительных ресурсов на использование и обслуживание [14][15][16][17][18] . ...

  • V. M. Alexeev
  • L. A. Baranov
  • M. A. Kulagin
  • V. G. Sidorenko

The increase in the volume of passenger transportation in megalopolises and large urban agglomerations is efficiently provided by the integration of urban public transit systems and city railways. Traffic management under those conditions requires creating intelligent centralised multi-level traffic control systems that implement the required indicators of quality, comfort, and traffic safety regarding passenger transportation. Besides, modern control systems contribute to traction power saving, are foundation and integral part of the systems of digitalisation of urban transit and the cities. Building systems solving the traffic planning and control tasks is implemented using algorithms based on the methods of artificial intelligence, principles of hierarchically structured centralised systems, opportunities provided by Big Data technology. Under those conditions it is necessary to consider growing requirements towards software as well as theoretical design and practical implementation of network organisation. This article discusses designing architecture and shaping requirements for developed applications and their integration with databases to create a centralised intelligent control system for the urban rail transit system (CICS URTS). The article proposes the original architecture of the network, routing of information flows and software of CICS URTS. The routing design is based on a fully connected network. This allows to significantly increase the network bandwidth and meet the requirements regarding information protection, since information flows are formed based on the same type of protocols, which prevents emergence of covert transmission channels. The implementation of the core using full connectivity allows, according to the tags of information flows, to pre-form the routes for exchange of information between servers and applications deployed in CICS URTS. The use of encrypted tags of information flows makes it much more difficult to carry out attacks and organise collection of information about the network structure. Platforms for development of intelligent control systems (ICS), which include CICS URTS, high computing power, data storage capacity and new frameworks are becoming more available for researchers and developers and allow rapid development of ICS. The article discusses the issues of interaction of applications with databases through a combination of several approaches used in the field of Big Data, substantiates combination of Internet of Things (IoT) methodology and microservice architecture. This combination will make it possible to single out business processes in the system and form streaming data processing requiring operational analysis by a human, which is shown by relevant examples. Thus, the objective of the article is to formalise the principles of organising data exchange between CICS URTS and automated control systems (ACS) of railway companies (in our case, using the example of JSC Russian Railways), URTS services providers, and city government bodies, implement the developed approaches into the architecture of CICS URTS and formalise principles of organisation of microservice architecture of CICS URTS software. The main research methods are graph theory, Big Data and IoT methods.

... Further, in this discussion, we compare the merits of our work in this paper with a review on various architectural models and their stereotypical use cases that were profiled recently [57]. We observe from such reviews that the hybrid architecture is preferred in situations where there is a need for both real-time analytics and periodic batch analytics on the entire data collection. ...

Highly populated cities depend highly on intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) for reliable and efficient resource utilization and traffic management. Current transportation systems struggle to meet different stakeholder expectations while trying their best to optimize resources in providing various transport services. This paper proposes a Microservice-Oriented Big Data Architecture (MOBDA) incorporating data processing techniques, such as predictive modelling for achieving smart transportation and analytics microservices required towards smart cities of the future. We postulate key transportation metrics applied on various sources of transportation data to serve this objective. A novel hybrid architecture is proposed to combine stream processing and batch processing of big data for a smart computation of microservice-oriented transportation metrics that can serve the different needs of stakeholders. Development of such an architecture for smart transportation and analytics will improve the predictability of transport supply for transport providers and transport authority as well as enhance consumer satisfaction during peak periods.

Choosing the appropriate architecture and technologies for a big data project is a difficult task, which requires extensive knowledge in both the problem domain and in the big data landscape. The paper analyzes the main big data architectures and the most widely implemented technologies used for processing and persisting big data. Clouds provide for dynamic resource scaling, which makes them a natural fit for big data applications. Basic cloud computing service models are presented. Two architectures for processing big data are discussed, Lambda and Kappa architectures. Technologies for big data persistence are presented and analyzed. Stream processing as the most important and difficult to manage is outlined. The paper highlights main advantages of cloud and potential problems.

Applications supporting the independent living of people with disabilities are usually built in a monolithic fashion for a specific purpose. On the other hand, a crucial sector for the livability of urban spaces such as mobility is undergoing a deep transformation, heading towards flexible composition of standardized services. This paper shows how this approach allows to build better applications for people with specific needs, making them seamlessly integrated in the most modern approach to smart mobility.

Big Data has emerged in the past few years as a new paradigm providing abundant data and opportunities to improve and/or enable research and decision-support applications with unprecedented value for digital earth applications including business, sciences and engineering. At the same time, Big Data presents challenges for digital earth to store, transport, process, mine and serve the data. Cloud computing provides fundamental support to address the challenges with shared computing resources including computing, storage, networking and analytical software; the application of these resources has fostered impressive Big Data advancements. This paper surveys the two frontiers – Big Data and cloud computing – and reviews the advantages and consequences of utilizing cloud computing to tackling Big Data in the digital earth and relevant science domains. From the aspects of a general introduction, sources, challenges, technology status and research opportunities, the following observations are offered: (i) cloud computing and Big Data enable science discoveries and application developments; (ii) cloud computing provides major solutions for Big Data; (iii) Big Data, spatiotemporal thinking and various application domains drive the advancement of cloud computing and relevant technologies with new requirements; (iv) intrinsic spatiotemporal principles of Big Data and geospatial sciences provide the source for finding technical and theoretical solutions to optimize cloud computing and processing Big Data; (v) open availability of Big Data and processing capability pose social challenges of geospatial significance and (vi) a weave of innovations is transforming Big Data into geospatial research, engineering and business values. This review introduces future innovations and a research agenda for cloud computing supporting the transformation of the volume, velocity, variety and veracity into values of Big Data for local to global digital earth science and applications.

Big Data (BD), with their potential to ascertain valued insights for enhanced decision-making process, have recently attracted substantial interest from both academics and practitioners. Big Data Analytics (BDA) is increasingly becoming a trending practice that many organizations are adopting with the purpose of constructing valuable information from BD. The analytics process, including the deployment and use of BDA tools, is seen by organizations as a tool to improve operational efficiency though it has strategic potential, drive new revenue streams and gain competitive advantages over business rivals. However, there are different types of analytic applications to consider. Therefore, prior to hasty use and buying costly BD tools, there is a need for organizations to first understand the BDA landscape. Given the significant nature of the BD and BDA, this paper presents a state-of-the-art review that presents a holistic view of the BD challenges and BDA methods theorized/proposed/employed by organizations to help others understand this landscape with the objective of making robust investment decisions. In doing so, systematically analysing and synthesizing the extant research published on BD and BDA area. More specifically, the authors seek to answer the following two principal questions: Q1 – What are the different types of BD challenges theorized/proposed/confronted by organizations? and Q2 – What are the different types of BDA methods theorized/proposed/employed to overcome BD challenges?. This systematic literature review (SLR) is carried out through observing and understanding the past trends and extant patterns/themes in the BDA research area, evaluating contributions, summarizing knowledge, thereby identifying limitations, implications and potential further research avenues to support the academic community in exploring research themes/patterns. Thus, to trace the implementation of BD strategies, a profiling method is employed to analyze articles (published in English-speaking peer-reviewed journals between 1996 and 2015) extracted from the Scopus database. The analysis presented in this paper has identified relevant BD research studies that have contributed both conceptually and empirically to the expansion and accrual of intellectual wealth to the BDA in technology and organizational resource management discipline.

The amount of data at the global level has grown exponentially. Along with this phenomena, we have a need for a new unit of measure like exabyte, zettabyte, and yottabyte as the last unit measures the amount of data. The growth of data gives a situation where the classic systems for the collection, storage, processing, and visualization of data losing the battle with a large amount, speed, and variety of data that is generated continuously. Many of data that is created by the Internet of Things, IoT (cameras, satellites, cars, GPS navigation, etc.). It is our challenge to come up with new technologies and tools for the management and exploitation of these large amounts of data. Big Data is a hot topic in recent years in IT circles. However, Big Data is recognized in the business world, and increasingly in the public administration. This paper proposes an ontology of big data analytics and examines how to enhance business intelligence through big data analytics as a service by presenting a big data analytics services-oriented architecture. This paper also discusses the interrelationship between business intelligence and big data analytics. The proposed approach in this paper might facilitate the research and development of business analytics, big data analytics, and business intelligence as well as intelligent agents.

One of the buzzwords in the Information Technology is Internet of Things (IoT). The future is In-ternet of Things, which will transform the real world objects into intelligent virtual objects. The IoT aims to unify everything in our world under a common infrastructure, giving us not only control of things around us, but also keeping us informed of the state of the things. In Light of this, present study addresses IoT concepts through systematic review of scholarly research papers, corporate white papers, professional discussions with experts and online databases. Moreover this research article focuses on definitions, geneses, basic requirements, characteristics and aliases of Internet of Things. The main objective of this paper is to provide an overview of Internet of Things, architectures, and vital technologies and their usages in our daily life. However, this manuscript will give good comprehension for the new researchers, who want to do research in this field of Internet of Things (Technological GOD) and facilitate knowledge accumulation in efficiently .

Size is the first, and at times, the only dimension that leaps out at the mention of big data. This paper attempts to offer a broader definition of big data that captures its other unique and defining characteristics. The rapid evolution and adoption of big data by industry has leapfrogged the discourse to popular outlets, forcing the academic press to catch up. Academic journals in numerous disciplines, which will benefit from a relevant discussion of big data, have yet to cover the topic. This paper presents a consolidated description of big data by integrating definitions from practitioners and academics. The paper's primary focus is on the analytic methods used for big data. A particular distinguishing feature of this paper is its focus on analytics related to unstructured data, which constitute 95% of big data. This paper highlights the need to develop appropriate and efficient analytical methods to leverage massive volumes of heterogeneous data in unstructured text, audio, and video formats. This paper also reinforces the need to devise new tools for predictive analytics for structured big data. The statistical methods in practice were devised to infer from sample data. The heterogeneity, noise, and the massive size of structured big data calls for developing computationally efficient algorithms that may avoid big data pitfalls, such as spurious correlation.

  • Bhushan Lakhe

Re-architect relational applications to NoSQL, integrate relational database management systems with the Hadoop ecosystem, and transform and migrate relational data to and from Hadoop components. This book covers the best-practice design approaches to re-architecting your relational applications and transforming your relational data to optimize concurrency, security, denormalization, and performance. Winner of IBM's 2012 Gerstner Award for his implementation of big data and data warehouse initiatives and author of Practical Hadoop Security, author Bhushan Lakhe walks you through the entire transition process. First, he lays out the criteria for deciding what blend of re-architecting, migration, and integration between RDBMS and HDFS best meets your transition objectives. Then he demonstrates how to design your transition model. Lakhe proceeds to cover the selection criteria for ETL tools, the implementation steps for migration with SQOOP- and Flume-based data transfers, and transition optimization techniques for tuning partitions, scheduling aggregations, and redesigning ETL. Finally, he assesses the pros and cons of data lakes and Lambda architecture as integrative solutions and illustrates their implementation with real-world case studies. Hadoop/NoSQL solutions do not offer by default certain relational technology features such as role-based access control, locking for concurrent updates, and various tools for measuring and enhancing performance. Practical Hadoop Migration shows how to use open-source tools to emulate such relational functionalities in Hadoop ecosystem components. What You'll Learn • Decide whether you should migrate your relational applications to big data technologies or integrate them • Transition your relational applications to Hadoop/NoSQL platforms in terms of logical design and physical implementation • Discover RDBMS-to-HDFS integration, data transformation, and optimization techniques • Consider when to use Lambda architecture and data lake solutions • Select and implement Hadoop-based components and applications to speed transition, optimize integrated performance, and emulate relational functionalities Who This Book Is For Database developers, database administrators, enterprise architects, Hadoop/NoSQL developers, and IT leaders. Its secondary readership is project and program managers and advanced students of database and management information systems.

  • Andrea De Mauro Andrea De Mauro

Although Big Data is a trending buzzword in both academia and the industry, its meaning is still shrouded by much conceptual vagueness. The term is used to describe a wide range of concepts: from the technological ability to store, aggregate, and process data, to the cultural shift that is pervasively invading business and society, both drowning in information overload. The lack of a formal definition has led research to evolve into multiple and inconsistent paths. Furthermore, the existing ambiguity among researchers and practitioners undermines an efficient development of the subject. In this paper we have reviewed the existing literature on Big Data and analyzed its previous definitions in order to pursue two results: first, to provide a summary of the key research areas related to the phenomenon, identifying emerging trends and suggesting opportunities for future development; second, to provide a consensual definition for Big Data, by synthesizing common themes of existing works and patterns in previous definitions.